A person who fucks for money (aka, a prostitute). However, the reason these particular prostitutes are not arrested is because it's all done on camera for "artistic," "creative," or "entertainment" purposes, then posted online for easy access by horny children.
Beth: I want to fuck for a living.
Lawyer: You'll go to jail for that.
Beth: But what if I video tape it for millions to see, and still get paid?
Lawyer: Well thats fine. Fucking for money on camera is acceptable, but take away that camera… and you be breaking the law, bitch.
Beth: Then from this day foward, I shall be a pornstar. You want to fuck me now? Just $10.
Lawyer: I'd love to, but I dont have a camera.the "Pawn Stars" commerical
Me: *washing dishes* Lalalala
TV: Up next is a whole new episode of Porn Stars
Me: WHAT? *excited*
TV: *shows pictures of the show

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