Physical evidence is anything that can prove a crime has happened and is connected to the crime and connected to the criminal. Three examples that can be listed as physical evidence would be a knife covered in blood, hair fiber, and a shoe impression. All three canbe linked to the crime and to the person who committed the crime.Describe three ways that a crime scene can be recorded. What is a benefit of each?
Three ways that a crime scene can be recorded can be through photographs, notes, and sketches/drawings. Photographs are helpful because they are visual documentations of the crime scene and can be looked upon whenever they need to be. Notes are essential torecord a crime scene can help describe things in further detail and also be handy when you need to refresh your memory in the event that you forgot something. And Last, Drawings can be very beneficial when people want to take rough sketches and use them incomputer programs
What is a chain of custody? Why is it important?
A chain of custody is a list of all who have had possession of the evidence during the time of the crime investigation. A chain of custody is highly important because who had access and was responsible for the evidence at that time
What three types of photographs are taken at crime scenes? Describe each type?
Three types of photographs that are taken at a crime scene are Overview photographs, Intermediate photographs, and Close up photographs. Overview photographs are photos that are taken of the crime scene in wide angles. Intermediate photographs are closer to evidence shots that capture the area around the evidence as well. And close up photographs focus on a specific detail in the crime scene.
Why is it important to record the crime scene?It is important to record the crime scene because it is only available for a short period of time.When the crime scene is no longer available, investigators have access to notes, pictures, and drawings that can help them to look back on the crime scene.
Why is it important to secure the crime scene? What do you think would be the most difficult part of doing this?
The main reason is that each person at the crime scene has the potential for contaminating or destroying evidence. I feel the hardest part would be making sure i secure every part because I feel it could be overwhelming some times to make sure I dont miss a part.
What type of recording do you think would be the most useful to crime investigators? Why?

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