Same energy should be operating within us, as process of creation, sustenance and dissolution is always going on. This energy operates on both physical and mental plains. On physical plain countless cells are created, sustained and then destroyed, silently and with precision.
At mental plain same energy operates, but with the difference. We can let this energy flow freely, we can bring obstacles and disrupt its flow.
So the difference is, we have freedom to utilize this energy as we want. In this context, we can illustrate this as: some of us develop aspiration to learn a form of art, developing aspiration in this context is beginning of creative process, as long as effort is involved to master the art, we are in sustenance process and dissolution stage is reached when no effort is required, it’s spontaneous.
We give rise to countless errors, we live with them for a while and finally we overcome them. Suppose we want to control our anger, as we are making efforts, we find out five years back, we used to stay in angry mood for a week, now it’s only two days, gradually two days become one, then few hours, minutes and finally anger is sublimated into joy. Now there are moments we get angry only for the sake of anger.
This point can be express as: When child tries to play with fire, mother has to raise her voice, to display anger. As we are backed up with this energy, with self effort, dark clouds get dissipated giving way to sun light. With serene mind, silently and with precision things are accomplished. Big things are done in simple way.
As we learn to let this energy flow freely, Soul starts to express it’s glory. May be this Mystical

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