They come in colors say, green, yellow, purple and red
most of the are perennial (grown throughout the year). They are native to tropical southeast asis, but now are grown almost in all places.
They are known as either "Dessert" bananas (when fully ripe) or cooking bananas
Banana plant can be found very easily in one's yard or gardens as they are very easy to cultivate and it is the largest herbaceous flowering plant.
It can grow up to 6 to 6.7 meters (20 to 24.9 ft) tall and its leaves can grow up to 2.7 meters (8.9 ft) long and 60 cm (2.0 ft) wide.
Single Banana of average 125 grams has about 75% of water and 25% of waterless substance. It has protective external layer called peel or skin and many threads around between the peel and internal layer.
Its seed is like tiny black specks present in the interior portion of the fruit.
While exporting banana, it is take into air-tight rooms filled with ethylene gas for ripening. While artificial ripening process the flavor and texture are affected.
Unripened Banana can be cook as potatoes. It Can be fried, boiled, chipped and has similar taste. The banana and potato has same calories.
Unlike most other fruits, bananas develop their best eating quality after they are harvested. This allows bananas to be shipped great distances. Almost our entire supply of bananas, available year-round, is imported from Central and South America. Bananas are sensitive to cool temperatures and will be injured in temperatures below 55 °F. For this reason, they should never be kept in the refrigerator. The ideal temperature for ripening bananas is between 60 and 70 °F. Higher temperatures cause them to ripen too rapidly.
Bananas which are firm, bright in appearance, and free from bruises or other injury. The state of ripeness is indicated by skin color.
Best eating quality has been reached when the solid yellow color is specked with brown.
At this stage, the flesh is mellow and the flavor is fully developed. Bananas with green tips or with practically no yellow color have not developed their full flavor potential.

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