an amusement or pastime:
the material or equipment used in playing certain games:
competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the partof two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually fortheir own amusement or for that of spectators.
a single occasion of such an activity, or a definite portion of one:
the number of points required to win a game.
the score at a particular stage in a game
a particular manner or style of playing a game:
Old English gamen "game, joy, fun, amusement," common Germanic (cf.Old Frisian game "joy, glee," Old Norse gaman, Old Saxon, Old HighGerman gaman "sport, merriment," Danish gamen, Swedish gamman"merriment"), regarded as with Gothic gaman "participation,communion," from Proto-Germanic *ga- collective prefix + *mann"person," giving a sense of "people together."
Meaning "contest played according to rules" is first attested c.1300. Senseof "wild animals caught for sport" is late 13c.

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