Then I don't know what happened and he changed. He changed, all of a sudden. The duration of calls reduced from one hour to one minute. The number of texts reduced from hundred to ten a day. I started spending my entire day waiting for a single call or text from him. Not that he was busy with studies and stuff. He would even spend his time alone rather than spending it with me. And even when he called, it used to be nothing more than a formality. The love and the affection went missing all of a sudden. It hurt a lot but I chose to stay quiet forcing myself to think that it was nothing and I was just over thinking things. And then one fine night he dI stopped bathing. I stopped eating. I stopped studying. Basically, I stopped doing everything that required me to step out of my bed and face the real world. Now all I wanted to do was cry, cry and cry more and that is all what I did. I'd sit
in a corner and cry for hours. I'd soak my entire pillow in tears. I'd start crying during lectures in college. Sometimes I'd even vomit while crying. I'd hear a song and start crying. I'd watch a movie and start crying. I'd see somebody crying and start crying. I'd hear my friends talking about their love and start crying. I'd watch an innocent kid and start crying. I'd watch couples holding hands and start crying. I remember, my eyes remained swollen for a month. Basically, I went suicidal.
The worst part was I didn't have any friends or family to support me at that point of time. I was putting up away from family. I had only one close friend with whom I'd actually want to share something this personal and that was he himself. That is what happens to you when you make a single person the center of your universe.
ropped the bomb.

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