Nowadays love is done by looking at the face and beauty and not the internal beauty. Often people fall in love only because someone is very pretty and beautiful. They might know nothing about the person’s behavior or habits but it is enough if they are good looking.
A new modern song has been uploaded on YouTube which tries to show the similar things. The title of the video is ‘ TIMI MA EUTA NASA’ and it is also about the same thing mentioned above. In the music video of the song a girl who is not that pretty proposes a guy but he rejects her just because she is not that pretty. But later the singer helps her get a whole new makeover. Later she look very pretty and beautiful and suddenly the guy starts to like her and starts to follow her. The singer on the other hand also helps her by making her do thinks like ignoring him and many more.
- See more at: http://medianp.tv/timi-ma-euta-nasa-video-by-uday-sotang/#sthash.truMmiZD.dpuf
A new modern song has been uploaded on YouTube which tries to show the similar things. The title of the video is ‘ TIMI MA EUTA NASA’ and it is also about the same thing mentioned above. In the music video of the song a girl who is not that pretty proposes a guy but he rejects her just because she is not that pretty. But later the singer helps her get a whole new makeover. Later she look very pretty and beautiful and suddenly the guy starts to like her and starts to follow her. The singer on the other hand also helps her by making her do thinks like ignoring him and many more.
- See more at: http://medianp.tv/timi-ma-euta-nasa-video-by-uday-sotang/#sthash.truMmiZD.dpuf

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